Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kim Kardashian Look Alike!! SUES OLD NAVY FOR 28 MILLION!!!!! Shes Dating Kim's Ex!

OUCH!!!! Think its Kim? Think again! This is Melissa Molinaro and get this, she's got hands on Kim's leftovers! Yes, the new rising canadian pop star is dating Reggie Bush!!

Kim Kardashian
Melissa Molinaro
Why is Kim K so upset?! Kim is launching her now clothing line soon, and Kim is claiming that old navy is using a look-a-like to advertise for themselves! Is it buisness related, or is it because MELISSA Molinaro is dating Kim's former lover football Star Reggie Bush?!?!?

The commercial shows "Melissa" as a girl with curves and a nice rear, two of Kim's "ASS-ets" living the famous, rich "CUTE" life.

Will kim win the lawsuit!?? WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!