Monday, July 25, 2011

NOM's attack on New York's legislative process is wrong

The New York publication Capital Confidential weighed in on Sunday's rally by the National Organization for Marriage. And not only does it provide some interesting details regarding the actual number of participants, but also gives us an interesting peek at NOM's audacity:

Promising wrath both earthly and divine, around 400 people marched, chanted and prayed during a Sunday afternoon rally for traditional marriage.

“All we have done is put into statute a lie,” said Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage. He traveled to Albany from Connecticut to headline demonstrations coinciding with the enactment of a law legalizing same-sex marriage. It was signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month after passing the Senate 33-29.

Brown said his group, and others, should build a new coalition to push for a statewide referendum on same-sex marriage. He proposed amending New York’s constitution, which requires the approval of two successive legislatures and a popular vote. It would take until November, 2013, for such an effort to bear fruit, but legislative leaders have indicated no interest in allowing the necessary bills to floor votes.

Granted, Capitol Confidential did not say where it derived the 400 number from but it is a definite jump from 10,000 in New York City and thousands from other places which NOM claimed  were in attendance. Frankly I don't see how there could be such a discrepancy in numbers? Someone is obviously lying and since NOM has a history of doing just that (lying like a rug), it's safe to say that Capitol Confidential should be given more credibility.

But Brown's words are what I find interesting.
“We are not the kind of people that when politicians betray us, to take our rights away, go home,” Brown said.
What the hell does Brown mean by "we?"  He is not from NY nor does he indicate just which rights were taken away from New Yorkers. But yet he wants to formulate a plan to change the NY state constitution.  He claims that it is the thing to do because the NY legislators have betrayed their constituents:

But a majority of New Yorkers actually supported this bill. It was pushed through the legislature legally, voted on legally, and passed legally.

So what is the problem?

While some in NY aren't happy with the marriage equality law, it would seem to me that they should be less happy with outsiders (NOM and Brown) coming in to disrupt their laws, and their constitution.

But for NOM, it's business as usual when it comes to transference. After all, what's more of a lie? Duly elected state officials legally voting to pass a law or an outside group seeking to overturn  this law?

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