- Flashback 2006: Every Single Democrat US Senator votes AGAINST raising debt ceiling
- Flashback: Obama 2006: “America Has A Debt Problem And A Failure Of Leadership,” Voted AGAINST IT!
- Flashback: Harry Reid 2006 AGAINST RAISING DEBT CEILING: Public Debt 'The Greatest of the Dangers to be Feared'
White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee said Sunday that failing to raise the nation’s debt limit would be “catastrophic.” Yet his boss, then-Sen. Barack Obama, opposed a debt limit increase in 2006 and didn’t even show up to vote on it in 2007 and 2008.Quite a difference from 2006 to 2011, no? What's the difference? In 2006 Bush was the President. Now it's Obama. And that's about it.Raising the debt ceiling is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic. What by the way is the point of even having a debt ceiling if they keep raising it in perpetuity? How about STOP SPENDING MONEY THAT WE DON'T HAVE???? With that in tow: Obama: Default Would Be Reckless, Irresponsible
That’s a sharp contrast from the position of Obama in 2006, while serving as an Illinois senator. Obama joined all Senate Democrats to oppose the 2006 debt limit increase.
“Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” Obama said in 2006. “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.”
Obama later missed two votes in 2007 and 2008 while campaigning for president. Many Democrats who opposed the 2006 increase flipped their position once they took control of the Senate.
And via The Detroit Free Press:
Decrying a "partisan three-ring circus" in the nation's capital, President Barack Obama criticized a newly minted Republican plan to avert an unprecedented government default tonight and said congressional leaders must produce a compromise that can reach his desk before the Aug. 2 deadline.But extending them 1 1/2 years will solve the problem of overspending? How? Isn't that kicking the can further down the road? The AP gives away Obama's self-serving 'plan:'
"The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government," the president said in a hastily arranged prime-time speech. He appealed to the public to contact lawmakers and demand "a balanced approach" to reducing federal deficits.
...Obama said the approach unveiled earlier in the day by House Speaker John Boehner would raise the nation's debt limit only long enough to push off the threat of default for six months. "In other words, it doesn't solve the problem," he said.
How convenient. As usual, it's all about him.
Obama wants legislation that will raise the nation's debt limit by at least $2.4 trillion in one vote, enough to avoid a recurrence of the acrimonious current struggle until after the 2012 elections.
UPDATE: Limbaugh: Obama "Is Either Clueless Or A Saboteur"