Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Project of the week: Card Sending

I have nine gorgeous cards from Danielle LaPorte (keeping "french-kiss life" for myself). I have two plotted out, but the rest? Not sure yet. I'm about to get a Nook and move into ereader land, though I will probably always buy books, but I will really always buy greeting cards. I love them. I also got some Dylan's Candy Bar ones that are full of colorful lollipops. So fun. If you want a postcard for my new book Obsessed: Erotic Romance for Women (US only), email obsessedantho at gmail.com with "Postcard" in the subject and your name and mailing address in the body. I make almost daily trips to the post office and I love it (even paying bills, which I mostly do online, is more fun with "Celebrate!" stamps, and I love Forever stamps because someday I will unearth a stash of hundreds of stamps and it'll probably be 2040 and I can, hopefully, still use them).