Speaking of alcoholics: What Washington Could Learn From a Drug Addict
What drug addicts would like to learn from Washington is how to get someone else to finance your destructive addiction without risking life and limb mugging people in person.And from Ed Morrissey, the root of the problem:
The real problem in debt is entitlement spending. The federal budget exploded over the last few years because of massive growth in entitlement spending, as this chart makes pretty clear:
We could bring discretionary spending to zero and still have to borrow money to pay for our entitlement programs. That doesn’t excuse the increases in discretionary spending levels over the last 12-15 years or so, but that is a secondary problem at best. If we want to stop issuing IOUs for 40% of our federal spending, we have to fix the structural problems in entitlement programs that will eventually break the bank.Pretty much another way of visualizing what I've had before: Pic of the Day: The Only Chart You Need To See To Understand Why The US Is Screwed, for the first time in our history just entitlement spending by itself is greater than all federal tax revenues combined:
We do not have a revenue problem in this country. We do however have a spending one.