Friday, July 22, 2011

Video: Liberal Joan Walsh Compares Obama to Reagan

It's kind of funny, but liberals HATED Reagan. Despised him something fierce. But now that history has shown Reagan to be on the right side and liberals on the wrong one, the absurd comparison is all over the place. Like here:

And it's not just Obama supporters either. From a few months back: Good grief: Video: Obama calls himself 'The Gipper' during press conference. I remember Ronald Reagan. You - socialist moonbat community organizer - are no Ronald Reagan. From February of this year: Liberals attempt to hijack Reagan's 100th birthday: "Obama Is More Like Reagan Then He Anyone Else". Which brings me to this: Pic of the day: 'Obama hearts Reagan' - NOT! The infamous TIME cover:

Turns out iOwnTheWorld took a look at what was going on on the backside and found this:
Recall that the cover is meant to deceive: Video: TIME: Obama Has Always Seen Reagan As A Model To Do The Opposite.

UPDATE: Classic Reagan:
UPDATE #2: NBC News and Chris Matthews Selectively Edit Reagan’s Position on Taxes
Chris Matthews and NBC News are so intent on promoting the Democratic Party's talking point that President Ronald Reagan favored tax increases that they plucked a few words from a press conference Reagan gave in 1987 to attempt to make the argument. Thanks to Media Research Center's Scott Whitlock, the truth about what Reagan really said at that press conference can be seen here.