Friday, July 22, 2011

Video of Michael Eric Dyson: GOP Refuse Raising Debt Ceiling ‘Because The Economy Is In The Hands Of The Black’

That race card has been worn out a long time ago. It is now the last refuge of those that lose arguments. People like Dyson:
On tonight’s Ed ShowEd Schultz, Prof. Dyson, and HuffPo’s Sam Stein tried to make sense of the current debt debate, trying to find why Republicans were being so adamant about not raising the debt ceiling, even when, under Reagan, Clinton, and many others, they had yielded on this point. Asked by Schultz whether the “gist of it is not to give President Obama a leg up on any of this,” Dyson responded that the only reason he could find for Republicans to deny President Obama the easy rise in the debt ceiling was that “the country is in the hands of the black.”
The video:
That follows directly on the heals of this sad and pathetic episodes: Sheila Jackson Lee: Not raising the debt ceiling is... RAAAAACIST! Is that the best y'all have? HT: memeorandum