The media would rather see people at odds with each other as opposed to in harmony. In some instances, some outlets will try to conjure up a beef where none exists. The media will perpetually compare Beyonce to Kelly and try to manufacture tension with Jay-Z & Kanye as if two pairs of great talents can't coexist together and both SHINE. Well I guess the naysayers will be silenced for a little while at least. Kelly and Beyonce , Kanye and Jay-Z all came together at one event!
What parallel universe is this that made this happen? Kelly and Beyonce were both in NYC this week promoting their albums 'Here I Am', and '4' respectively, when they reunited again. This time they united to support Jay-Z & Kanye West at their 'Watch the Throne' listening party! This is too much starpower in one room! Wow~!
For some reason, I got left off of this list as well. I am sure it was an oversight on Mr.West and Mr. Carter's people,and I do forgive you this time and this time only. But take a look at some of the pics from this star-studded event! Oh and Solange was there too.
With STELLAR releases from both Kelly & Beyonce and the anticipation of 'The Throne' project, the summer is shaping up quite nicely!
Oh, and Solange is dee jaying at venues this summer as well!
We HEART Solange over here at THE GAMUTT too!
Thank THATGRAPEJUICE.NET for the great pics!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
BEEF? What Beef? Kelly & Beyonce /Jay-Z & Kanye come TOGETHER in NYC!
'Here I Am',
Kelly Rowland,
The Throne,
Watch the Throne