...The general consensus is that for the second time in three years, a gang of financial terrorists has successfully extorted the congress and the White House, threatening to blow up the planet if they didn't get what they wanted.Good grief! Keep in mind that Obama gets to spend another $2.4 trillion that we don't even have to buy himself re-election, and that the supposed cuts are not cuts at all but rather decreases in how fast the government expands. Instead of expanding at 8% per year, it will only expand at 7.5%. There are no cuts and the debt will grow every single God-blessed day until the insanity is stopped. More from American Thinker and Pajamas Media
...Barack Obama has surrendered control of the budget to the Tea Party, whose operatives in congress used the same suicide-bomber tactic, threatening a catastrophic default unless the Democrats committed to a regime of steep spending cuts without any tax increases on the wealthy.
...The Republicans in this debt debate fought like wolves or alley thugs, biting and scratching and using blades and rocks and shards of glass and every weapon they could reach.
Related: Tucson Newspaper Political Cartoonist Fantasized About Obama Sending SEALs to Assassinate Tea Party Republicans
Today Tucson congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) cast her first vote since she was critically injured in a January shooting.
You'll recall that in the weeks that followed, the media bemoaned the incivility -- supposedly predominantly conservative in nature -- of the political debate which had allegedly created a climate of hate.
But there appears to to be no firestorm over how, just last week, Arizona Daily Star cartoonist David Fitzsimmons fantasized about President Obama sending a SEAL team to assassinate Tea Party-friendly House Republicans.
See the political cartoon below the page break or find it linked here: