’s heated interview with Sen. Rand Paul on Sunday over the weekend’s budget debate earned him as many accolades as complaints from viewers, and Lemon made no apologies for keeping the Senator on topic without delving into talking points. This morning,Glenn Beck had little good to say about the interview, as he noted that, while he had asked similar questions of Republicans, the attitude Lemon took to Sen. Paul was “condescending” and counterproductive.
Beck co-host Pat Gray laughed at Lemon’s opening of the interview in which he asked Sen. Paul to leave the “talking points” out of the discussion. “How do you think the interview is going to go when you start like that?” he asked. Beck was a bit more lenient with the initial question himself, as “I’ve said that to Republicans, so I can understand,” but nonetheless argued Lemon had set up Sen. Paul “to be a monster” to the point that “the conversation on television doesn’t even make sense anymore.
As the interview got most contentious when Sen. Paul noted that he was in favor of both plans once an balanced budget amendment was introduced into the equation, Beck and company focused on that point for a while. Beck noted that Lemon probably “knew that one [bill] had gone through that he voted against” and so targed the questions to highlight that, and then mocked Lemon for challenging Sen. Paul’s distrust of the government. “Is that not the way everybody in America feels?” he asked. “Nobody trusts these guys!”
The backlash from the right for taking on a Tea Party favorite is predictable, but attacks from the talk radio front will likely subside as soon as Lemon gets frustrated similarly with an obstinate liberal member of Congress– which he, for all intents and purposes, has promised to do when appropriate, and it’s always appropriate to be frustrated at Congress.
Watch Don Lemon's Interview With R.Paul below: