Monday, August 1, 2011

Video of Charles Krauthammer: This Is A Victory For The Tea Party

I didn't agree at first, but he has a point with this: "The winner is the tea party. They have changed the debate in the country. I think they ought to do what George Aiken advocated in the worst of days of the Vietnam war, declare victory and go home. There will be another fight, a year from now. Obama is losing it. And I think that's where the big payoff will be and that's when the country will decide what everyone wants to do about debt and also about the size of government."
So have a setback in this battle but possibly and perhaps probably win the war. Also from Krathammer: Obama Will Lose Defending This Economy
"The tea party originally was to bring up -- created by the stimulus, Obamacare and opposition to the huge expansion of government and debt and what we're talking about today. Monopolizing all this discussion is debt and all in of itself is a victory. We are now in the debt era. It will now be central to all political debates. They've gotten quite a lot, a trillion dollars of cuts today. I'm also unhappy about the defense cuts.

"But look, you cannot govern out of one House if given the terrible economic numbers that came out on Friday. The President has to defend this economy next year he loses. The Republicans would have to run the worst campaign in history and not win. And then with control of the White House and the Senate and the House, you can make the changes you want."