Friday, May 6, 2011

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Upgrades To His Biggest Mansion Yet.

Just in time for his birthday, Facebook's CEO has acquired what will be his third home since September, a walled, 5,000+ square foot Palo Alto manse complete with a saltwater pool and music alcove. It cost $7 million. So much for Mark Zuckerberg's everyman lifestyle.

Zuckerberg won't move in for several more months, according to the San Jose Mercury News, but when he does the new place will be a convenient 10 minute drive from Facebook's new office space in Menlo Park. With its outdoor walls and trees, the estate offers more privacy than Zuckerberg's security camera studded, 3,800 square foot College Terrace rental, which as we first reported he moved into just a few months ago. The new place has five bedrooms, the same as his current rental and up from four bedrooms at Zuckerberg's prior rental, which he was living in through at least September.

The social networking kingpin is no longer on a month to month lease and his new place is twice the size of the home he was in last summer. Seven million dollars is a lot of money even by Silicon Valley standards.

Still, with Facebook reportedly approaching $4 billion in annual revenue, it's hard to dispute that the 26-year-old has earned a move up in the world. Besides, it's his birthday next week.