Algebra, Trigonometry, calculus, however you want to call it, get your calculators out!
'No Matter What People Say' + 'Crush on you' = 'Super Bass'
Solve for Y?
Let the comparisons begin! Lil' Kim is a pioneer in the rap game and also in the music video arena. In her day and time, Kim has sparked many a trend. It was all about sex, fun and a splash of COLOR! Fast forward a few years and along comes Nicki...offering some of the same themes in a new way. It is obvious that Minaj has taken some influence and inspiration from Kim. It's not hard to see that. Stevie & Ray can see that. Take a look--------->
Mix them up in a Blender and put a dolop of 'cream' on top and this is what you get:
Interesting resemblance. Now I think Nicki is just doing this to taunt her 'arch-enemy'. Let's see what Kimmy Blanco has to say this time....