Friday, July 22, 2011

friday favourites :: 22.07.11

i have to say that one of my favourite things at this moment is "not being covered in fur". as much as i feel like i'm suffering from the heat, every time i look at the poor army of the hirsute that still follows me from room to room, i count myself lucky. poor babies are not having a great time this week. we're trying our best to keep them hydrated inside and out- lots of water in their bowls, patting them with moist, cool hands, anything to keep the fires of hell that have apparently been vested on us at bay. it's still distinctly possible that the heat is going to make me lose the last vestiges of my sanity, but in the meantime, these are a few of the things that are keeping me sane...


scary sex toy friday :: on fridays, i like to think about things that make me happy. on fridays, molly mounds likes to think about things that should probably never make anyone happy, despite the fact that this is their stated purpose. so each week, she posts images [probably nsfw, or at least, not safe for you if your coworkers see you admiring it] of the weirdest things anyone has ever designed for the purposes of human gratification. some things fall into the "whimsically demented" category, while others fall into the "should probably be getting a lot of therapy" category and others... well, i was going to say that i don't know who would be interested in this, but the fact is that i know a lot of gentlemen who are the exact demographic that this company had in mind and who are probably adding this to their christmas and birthday lists right now.

something new :: dom shot this short film on his iphone, if you can believe. seeing this sort of thing to me is like magic, because, even if i could envision it, i'd have no idea how to actually do it so that it looked the way i wanted. even knowing what it is- having seen the elements that went into making it- i find it an unnerving thing. and no, conversion is absolutely nothing like this.

facing a fear :: a ways back, i started writing out my "diary"- my notes and recollections, basically- of the process of shooting "conversion". i chugged along at a decent pace for a while, until i came upon the point in filming that i really hadn't wanted to think about. but last night, high on heat and insomnia, i decided that the time had come to scratch that particular carryover off my to-do list. because sometimes, even when something sucks, it can do you some good to talk about it. even when the person you're talking to is yourself. did it change my life? no, but i feel kind of good that i've gone back to finish what i started.

this is going to be awesome when the water slide opens
the white trash pool :: when i was a kid, you could not get me out of the water in the summer. in fact, the last time i spent any significant time on the beach, people still had difficulty getting me out of the water. when the weather gets hot, there's very little i like to do more than jump in either a pool or the ocean, but i unfortunately don't live near the ocean and i'm not [yet] wealthy enough to afford a pool.

i could, of course, go to a community pool, except that i'm not that keen on diving into a vat of other people's urine and i'm really kind of lazy and spoiled and would prefer the pool to be near enough that i could jump in whenever the urge takes me.

sorry, kids' swim isn't until five.
normally, i just suffer through this, but the current heat wave is making dry land unbearable, so dom and i have made our own home pool right in the apartment. ok, technically, our pool is known as a bathtub and i can't swim in it [although i can do yoga stretches, which feel nice], but it's refreshing, it's available 24 hours a day [including when i have insomnia], i know and trust the cleaning staff and, most importantly, it's 100% urine-free.

so what made your week better? what perked you up when you were feeling crappy? or made your good days even better? feel free to share. and might i suggest, if you're one of the over 300 million people caught up in the current heat wave, that you treat yourself to some cocktails by the pool? you deserve it.

here's this week's cat cuteness. and yes, this was taken at the height of yesterday's 46C/ 113F heat. some people know the value of a good cuddle.