Saturday, July 23, 2011

Obama: Cut defense spending before food stamps

As I have said many times in this blog, and opposite of what liberals say, the tea party and conservatism are not 'anti-tax.' We are for limited taxation for a limited government as per the US Constitution. We do not gripe about funding the military because protection of the people is a legitimate function of government. Or on the local level funding police, firefighters and EMT because those are protections of the people and that is a legitimate function of government. But taking money from people to simply cut checks to other people is NOT a legitimate function of government and is stealing. Politicians that prioritize the latter are thieves:
In true liberal fashion, Obama is the head honch of the military-hating, welfare loving nanny state: Obama: Cut Defense Spending Before Food Stamps 
President Obama has taken some heat from Democrats--and particularly progressive Democrats--for his willingness to alter entitlement programs to reduce the deficit. But in an interview with NPR airing on Thursday and Friday, the president sought to reassure his base of his commitment to his party’s ideals.

“I think what's absolutely true is that core commitments that we make to the most vulnerable have to be maintained,” Obama said. “A lot of the spending cuts that we're making should be around areas like defense spending as opposed to food stamps.” 
"The most vulnerable?" Those would be the unborn, and Obama wants them killed. He voted for times as an Illinois Senator for outright infanticide - murder of the baby after he or she was born. Just so you know what the term vulnerable means to him.

UPDATE: A video of the above:
Also, Fiery Obama Claims He’s Fighting for ‘Working Stiffs’ Who Get ‘Raw Deal’